Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Archival Post - Our descriptions

Every time I update our little descriptions on the side bar I want to save what was there before. I don't journal or keep scrapbooks very well, so any little bit that I can archive helps. I hope. Or maybe it won't ever make a difference. Either way, this is where I plan to save them all to.

2007 Descriptions

Clara, Clara, Clara. Where do I begin. This child is the most entertaining 4 year old. There is not a day that goes by that her wit and big mouth don't make me smile. Even if I am really mad at her for whatever it may be. She enjoys coloring, tv, ballet dancing, and playing with (bossing around) her sister.

Amelia is my baby, my sweet little baby. She is an active 1 year old who loves to play with her toys. She loves to eat too, which you wouldn't know because she is so tiny. One think that is big though.... her voice. We don't call her "terodactyl" for nothing!

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